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Friday 20 May 2011


Sometimes it comes all of a sudden and you're flooded with a wave of fear. It has suddenly dawned on you that you cannot hide from the world anymore......

Your distractions: the music you listen to, the books you read or things you watch cannot protect you. Your fantasy about life being exactly how you want it, seems unreachable and each time you try to grab it, it just gets further away.Then you begin to wonder could it ever be real at all.....

You have to face the world....

You are in danger of being exposed and what is there to protect you? So we try to put on an Armour and equip ourselves with confidence,intelligence, wit everything we need to survive in this world to be successful.

We watch people climb the ladder whilst we remain on the bottom rung. The pressure builds and we cannot put the Armour on properly, we feel exposed. What happens when fear seeps through and paralyses our tongue and buckles us over? How can we survive?How can we progress?In front of so many witnesses?

They say the meek inherit the earth......

We were not born with fear, we were never born to fail. Everyone has their own journey, slow and steady wins the race......

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Book review: Double Cross Malorie Blackman

This is not a book review but more of a book summary or note for alas time is not at hand. With a four hour commute almost everyday books are slowly becoming my best friend and I am glad we have reconciled our sometimes distant but never disappointing relationship. I started reading the Noughts and Crosses series a while ago. I recently found out that there was another book in the series that I had not known about, Double Cross, so of course I had to read it.

If you do not know abut the Noughts and Crosses series I suggest you quickly become acquainted. It is about a world where the roles are upside down. Black people are in power (Crosses) and they discriminate and oppress the white people (Noughts). In the last book of the series, Double Cross. Malorie Blackman explores the issue of gang culture. I love this series as Malorie Blackman does not portray the characters as just black and white but there are many shades of grey(lol like the pun). I will not give the book away but she ends it with a guy crying and I remember just thinking, I feel your pain!

This is definitely a good read but if you have not read the other books you may not follow the plot so start from the beginning!

This series should definitely become a film.

New Music - Game ft Ashanti Soft Rhodes

I am loving Ashanti's new music. Will there be room for her with pop titan's Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Beyonce? The girl is definitely on her grind. Only time will tell if there is room for the de-throned princess of RnB.

Men of power and affairs

With the recent arrest of the head of the IMF over the sexual assault of a chambermaid in New York. It is interesting to see whether promiscuous activity by men in power is enough to warrant them incapable of performing their job. It is quite unsettling for me that the person in charge of giving out aid to other countries is an alleged violent rapist. Even if he is not convicted of this crime he has a history of infidelity. Does this mean he does not do his job well? People may believe that his corrupt moral character crept into his decisions for providing aid to developing countries. Arguments circulating that the IMF loans are a means of viciously accruing more debt may start to become more feasible.

Dominique Strauss-Khan is not the first man of power to be associated with sexually immoral activity. Civil rights activist Martin Luther King allegedly had an affair, this was revealed in a book by Dr Michael Eric Dyson titled 'I May Not Get There With You: The True Martin Luther King Junior.'Bob Marley was also believed to have many affairs. Is this enough to over-shadow their positive actions to create unity? Hmmm makes you think......

Sunday 1 May 2011

Headscarf day

Today is what I like to call a head scarf and tracksuit bottoms day.... On these days I don't really go out. But I usually spend HOURS on the internet and time seems to literally fly by. One thing I love to do is watch spoken word poetry or pointless reality shows, oh and Question time.

I feel like there has been a bit of a dry spell on the spoken word poetry front. I am waiting for some of my favourite artist to come out with a new poem that I can fall in love with.

Anywho whilst I am waiting I thought I would share a few poems that I personally like with you.

I hope you enjoyed the pic of my lovely attire :P. (There's a reason that I don't go out.)

On a sadder note my sister's going back to Uni and leaving me :(

'The sight I crave can only take flight if I realise I've been given wings to soar to the highest height...'

Ha ha I've realised that I have posted only females I'll post males in a later post.
for more spoken word in the Uk go on
for US search in youtube for def poetry jam or P4CM

I'm back... hopefully for good

Hmm I must be the QUEEN of procrastination. I don't know how many weeks I've been telling myself I will write on my blog. Weeks turned into months and hey what do you know it's 2011 already.I remember when I was addicted to writing on my blog. Any thought I had that was the least bit interesting I would blog it. Now I don't know.....

Part of my mind tried to reason that I did not have many people reading my blog so there was no pressing need to gratify my hundreds of followers. Then I thought. I've never really needed a crowd in order to get my point across and never will ;). Anyway it gave me a chance to reveal my more private thoughts.

So what happened? I guess I could use the most reader friendly excuse and say that life got in the way. Or I could just be real and say that I never made the time to write my blog. However I funnily made time to read everyone else's. (Did I hear someone say lazy? ;)) maybe lool.

Anyway in the words of Donnie Mcclurkin we fall down but we get up. So my blog is finally back!
writing is my outlet and although I often released this in the form of poetry (yes I do write). It is often more euphoric to write what is on my mind without it being shrouded in imagery and metaphorical phrases.

So lets get started....

This year is a year of transformation for me. Although every year has been since the age of 14. (yep that long). This year is one of being pro-active instead of dreaming about what my life should be like. This is a year about laying down the foundation for my dreams to become a reality. This time I have the help of a higher power (yes that's God my first love).

Not being one to conform I am starting some new resolution's now. (Yep right now and one of them is to not procrastinate :)) because it does not take the month of January for it to be a new year for you. If you like you can join me. Feel free to email me if you want any advise or want to share your story of change. ( I may not be a psychologist but 7 years of trying to transform teaches you a lot).

Yes this is the year the ugly duckling becomes a swan, the butterfly emerges from the cocoon and other cheesy analogies.

I may even try to make my blog more interactive. You know post videos on youtube, post pictures of myself shock horror and also perform my poetry, so lets see how it goes.

I looked at videos on youtube about self love and felt this one was very inspirational. Hope you enjoy it. xxxxx

(p.s I looked at some grammatical errors I had on the last post and cringed I obviously was half awake when I wrote that one smh)
(p.p.s my blog is undergoing some technical difficulties with the background it will be jazzed up soon I promise :p)