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Monday 21 June 2010

The green eyed monster

Why as a race are humans jealous creatures? Jealousy in small doses can just about pass as being healthy as long as you allow this to motivate you to go get what you want out of life. But if you find that everyday you are thinking about someone else's life or you are consumed by jealously, then this is seriously unhealthy. Ok that girl may be prettier, that guy may be stronger or that person may have everything they want in life without lifting a finger; whilst you have worked so hard and have achieved nothing. One thing you need to realise is that you are living your life not theirs. You're travelling along you're own path which is blessed and has been designed and created perfectly for you. People often confuse blessed with meaning that this has to be full of many positive things but it is the hardships and struggles that provide us with invaluable lessons that cannot be taught by anyone else. Life does not have to revolve around what we haven't got, wish we had or resenting other people. Life needs to be about enjoying what we have and thinking about ways we can healthily improve our attitude to achieve what we want.

When running a race looking at the people around us will only make us lose, look straight ahead and ignore those people who boast and brag and ignore other peoples privileges, you are privileged too.Knowing that you are privileged whilst having the least in life is a quality that the most happy and wise people in life have.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Whatever happened to EVE?

With the female rap scene emulating a barbie bitch fight between Lil Kim and Nicki Minage, people are eagerly awaiting the come back of Eve, to see what she has to bring to the table. Eve recently opened up about having a breakdown in 2000 where she hit her lowest point. How did she get through? A lot of praying and soul searching, Amen sister. Eve has been surrounded by a lot of controversy through these past years including reportedly breaking up with her boyfriend in 2006, who was an African heir due to his father practising cannibalism. Eve is recently revealing all in a behind the scenes music documentary which reveals her stripping past and how Mase helped her get out of it.Her new album Lip-lock is reported to come out this year.

Jasmine Sanders

[Test Shoot] Scary Eyes [June 11, 2010] -Requested Image- on Twitpic

@ClevisHarrison did an amazing job on my photo shoot during @... on Twitpic

Another snapshot @ my Cosmo Magazine Photo shoot in South Afr... on Twitpic

Tell me how I can be fly without the wind beneath my wings?-@... on Twitpic


Rumoured to be going out with Chris brown she is an up and coming model who has already appeared in vogue. She has been in the recent video dear Jasmine by WarrenJae

warrenJae - Dear Jasmine from TWOFIFTY VIDEO on Vimeo.

This site definitley needs to be checked out for Divalicious dresses like the stars at bargain prices with free shipping to the UK. I will say no more and let the site talk for itself.

Are the realities of a man looking after a child just a DREAM?

I'm finally back after a hectic period of exams and revision.The Dream's interview, in Parlour magazine caught my attention. The Dream recently had a baby called Violet with the singer Christina Milian, when asked If he helped out with the baby at home, he stated that he did not as it would turn into expectations. His bluntness took me by surprise and made me wonder if the expectations of a father helping out with a baby is merely a hopeful dream that does not match the realities of life?

It is an age old story that the mother looks after the baby whilst the father brings home the money. In 2008 the Telegraph stated that 70% of fathers are happy to leave the day to day care of the baby with the mothers but is this really practical when both parents work? Although the mother is closest to the baby for 9 months. When the baby is born, I believe that both mother and father should feel a strong connection towards it.I am sometimes at a loss for a reason why the father feels they do not have any responsibilities. So many times the father up and leaves, do they simply not care? If we are going to look at it in terms of primitive stereotypes, the father should be the protector of the family therefore he should have a strong urge to look after the baby.

This makes me wonder if the father's lack of concern has been naturalised so much in society we accept it as normal? I know for sure that when it comes to me the father better be helping take care of our baby otherwise there'll be problems ;).

I know that this does not apply to all fathers as I am sure there are many doting ones out there. But this needs to be the majority rather than the minority. Hey what a perfect topic to talk about when its coming up to fathers day.Hmmm its good to be back ;).
Check The Dream's interview at

source:parlour magazine