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Sunday 10 October 2010

You can buy your hair if it won't grow.......

Hey guys today my rant is going to be on beauty. The thing that apparently every celebrity has and everyone craves to have. After all, what gives you more satisfaction than looking in the mirror and feeling you look like a model or a movie star, or the one all girls and guys have their eyes on when you go out.

But what is beauty? It seems now that it has been imprinted into our minds that beauty is physical.There is so much pressure to look good, and we are constantly bombarded by images of what we feel are perfect women or men. This makes us think that we need to work on ourselves to achieve that perfection; clothes, hair, makeup anything we can get our hands on in order for us to have the confidence to step out of the house and feel worthy.

It's sad when a person feels that they cannot leave the house with at least something on their face or some type of label. Because what? People may not like us.It is even sadder when it comes to the point where a person has to undergo surgery in order to feel better about themselves.

Unfortunately humans aren't the most sympathetic of beings and if they were we would not have as much issues over our physical appearance as there is today. So how do we deal with this? How do we live in this thickle world?

Firstly we should realise that beauty comes from inside. Do you remember when you were a child and the way you looked was the last thing on your mind? It shows that you have slowly been brainwashed to think that the way you look is an important factor in your life so that you can get further, have more opportunities and confidence.

But this is not true you're strength within is what will endear people to you. Being beautiful within will bring you an infectious glow. Don't believe me? Have you ever come across someone who you feel is just such a beautiful person on the inside you can't help but like and admire them? Have you ever seen a man dump his physically beautiful girlfriend for someone who appears to be less unattractive?I'll say no more.

The best thing you can do is waste less time thinking and obsessing over your looks and actually live life. Time is ticking by and you will one day see that it has been wasted on the meaningless at the expense of your inner self.

Think of ways of how to be a better person and not hurt others, try building on your character what are the things you like most about your personality? How can you be more strong?

It is hard not to focus on your looks and judge other people as it has been programmed into your minds. One thing that you can do is go without makeup, doing your hair or wearing the nicest clothes for one day . See how people treat you, do it again and again and you will see that it will become easier and you will feel more fulfilled as people love you for who you really are and not the mask you wear. Your life will consequently become more fulfilling.

p.s (Contrived American accent) I know I be talking about fashion in this blog :P, fashion is going to be everywhere but don't let it posess you, fashion is whatever you want it to be, not what's the hottest thing right now, don't ever feel you have to buy something to make you feel more worthy about yourself.:))

I'll leave you with the wise words of TLC

'You can buy your hair if it won't grow,You can fix your nose if he says soYou can buy all the make up That M.A.C. can makeBut if you can't look inside youFind out who am I tooBe in the position to make me feel So damn unpretty'

Sunday 3 October 2010

What do you want me to do? I'm sorry....I'm back

I know I have been gone for a long time but I have not forgotten about my beloved blog I have been itching to write a few things down but time has been too scarce. ( In otherwords I have been distracted and lazy:P). Sorry guys I like to feel that I try and write the truth, something that seems to be rarely spoken these days lol.

I have a couple of things to write that have been festering in my mind, being a deep thinker is both a gift and curse. A gift because you can learn a lot about different situations and a curse because you tend to overanalyse small things which may not be of any significance at all.

Anywho I was just thinking about distractions and how to determine which ones are good and which ones are bad. Is it right to sacrifice your time on someone or something else when it may often or not lead you to where you want to be? How do you know what's the right thing to do? It's so confusing and often you usually find out what was the right thing to do when you realise you chose the wrong option.

It can be hard when you have a clear cut path in front of you and you want to go for the option which has the most passion or excitement. For example do you follow the steady path of being a doctor or drop it all to become a preacher, singer, actress a path which has less certainty.

Sometimes it is not always as extreme as this. As human beings we are able to do several things at the same time however there will often be one thing that will consume your time more than others, life is a balancing act, which everyone has to do, this involves prioritising the people and the things that you want to do in life as well as trying not to hurt yourself in the process.

Unfortunately I do not have the perfect answer, (although I wish I did) but what I do know is that it is necessary to be emotionally healthy, happy. It is brilliant to be focused but you should balance this with doing the things that you enjoy, taking a chance on people and embracing life, It is sad that there may be inevitable pain due to this, but when this happens you need to pick yourself up and focus on the positive things that you DO have going for you in your life no matter how tired you are. Try writing a plan of where you want to be and a list of things you want to do, look at both the positive and negatives and see what will be best for you. Lists can be boring and life is not as predictable as a list but, It really helps you gain focus.

Furthermore you should also note that people have different priorities and what you prioritise first may not be the same for someone else. Using the example of friendship, someone may see friendship as the biggest priority in their life therefore they expect a lot from a person that claims to be their friend, whereas someone else may see education as theirs and would therefore put that above their friends.The friend may consequently get hurt as a result.

However one of the biggest mistakes that people make is believing that the person may not care because somoeone else or something else is prioritised above them, this is not entirely true it just may mean that at this point in their lives they're focus is on their own needs and goals. Part of being in a friendship or being in a relationship is realising the needs of the other person, supporting what the other person wants to do and knowing that sometimes you will not always be first all the time and this is ok.

However this will not be ok if you feel neglected, first of all you should ask yourself if the neglection is coming from you're need of always having to be with someone all the time, or selfishly wanting the person all to yourself, is this reasonable? If you feel the problem is not you then you should communicate to the other person how you feel as they may not realise or be aware. This could change you're circumstance for the good. If not then get to stepping and find someone that prioritises along the same lines as you. it is hard and believe me I know the pain but sometimes it is best to let go, you HAVE TO let go.

Quote on taking a chance

'It seems that it is madder never to abandon one's self than often to be infatuated; better to be wounded, a captive and a slave, than always to walk in armor. Margaret Fuller'

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Diary of a female hustler

Wow sorry that my posts have been very few and far between. I'm sure evereyone's been enjoying the summer rather than missing my posts :P. What has been up with me ? Your girl has been on her hustle!! I'm now doing an internship for colour telly so I've been working on my own project. Plus the normal 9-5 work in a shoe shop, I have been sooo tired.

I just want to reflect and say that I am so happy I've got this opportunity to do something that I want to do, that will help me in my future career and hopefully in time I should excel.

Summer, apart from the humid days and blazing sunshine that we've been having is also a cross roads and point of reflection for many people. Stress still is in full sight even though we are supposed to be having time to relax. Always remember that we are not built to perfection, being unsure about a decision or choosing a wrong one is normal. If we slip up remember there is always an opportunity to redeem yourself. It's not even a slip up, just a lesson!!

This week I came across the wise words that in everything we should give thanks to God. This struck a chord with me as I realised that everyday should be a celebration of God's work and more importantly we should always trust and have faith in him. But even those who are not religious out there be thankful for life, enjoy the sun, go on holiday, just have fun! We only live once so why not try and be happy.Anyway It looks like I'm creeping slowly towards my dream and I hope many of you out there are too. Remember in the words of Will smith 'summer summer summer time, time to sit back and unwind :)' Rice peas and love xxxxxx

'It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.'

- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Sunday 4 July 2010

quote of the day

'Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well'. Josh Billings

Basically you need to work with what you got :)

rice, peas and love

Monday 21 June 2010

The green eyed monster

Why as a race are humans jealous creatures? Jealousy in small doses can just about pass as being healthy as long as you allow this to motivate you to go get what you want out of life. But if you find that everyday you are thinking about someone else's life or you are consumed by jealously, then this is seriously unhealthy. Ok that girl may be prettier, that guy may be stronger or that person may have everything they want in life without lifting a finger; whilst you have worked so hard and have achieved nothing. One thing you need to realise is that you are living your life not theirs. You're travelling along you're own path which is blessed and has been designed and created perfectly for you. People often confuse blessed with meaning that this has to be full of many positive things but it is the hardships and struggles that provide us with invaluable lessons that cannot be taught by anyone else. Life does not have to revolve around what we haven't got, wish we had or resenting other people. Life needs to be about enjoying what we have and thinking about ways we can healthily improve our attitude to achieve what we want.

When running a race looking at the people around us will only make us lose, look straight ahead and ignore those people who boast and brag and ignore other peoples privileges, you are privileged too.Knowing that you are privileged whilst having the least in life is a quality that the most happy and wise people in life have.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Whatever happened to EVE?

With the female rap scene emulating a barbie bitch fight between Lil Kim and Nicki Minage, people are eagerly awaiting the come back of Eve, to see what she has to bring to the table. Eve recently opened up about having a breakdown in 2000 where she hit her lowest point. How did she get through? A lot of praying and soul searching, Amen sister. Eve has been surrounded by a lot of controversy through these past years including reportedly breaking up with her boyfriend in 2006, who was an African heir due to his father practising cannibalism. Eve is recently revealing all in a behind the scenes music documentary which reveals her stripping past and how Mase helped her get out of it.Her new album Lip-lock is reported to come out this year.

Jasmine Sanders

[Test Shoot] Scary Eyes [June 11, 2010] -Requested Image- on Twitpic

@ClevisHarrison did an amazing job on my photo shoot during @... on Twitpic

Another snapshot @ my Cosmo Magazine Photo shoot in South Afr... on Twitpic

Tell me how I can be fly without the wind beneath my wings?-@... on Twitpic


Rumoured to be going out with Chris brown she is an up and coming model who has already appeared in vogue. She has been in the recent video dear Jasmine by WarrenJae

warrenJae - Dear Jasmine from TWOFIFTY VIDEO on Vimeo.

This site definitley needs to be checked out for Divalicious dresses like the stars at bargain prices with free shipping to the UK. I will say no more and let the site talk for itself.

Are the realities of a man looking after a child just a DREAM?

I'm finally back after a hectic period of exams and revision.The Dream's interview, in Parlour magazine caught my attention. The Dream recently had a baby called Violet with the singer Christina Milian, when asked If he helped out with the baby at home, he stated that he did not as it would turn into expectations. His bluntness took me by surprise and made me wonder if the expectations of a father helping out with a baby is merely a hopeful dream that does not match the realities of life?

It is an age old story that the mother looks after the baby whilst the father brings home the money. In 2008 the Telegraph stated that 70% of fathers are happy to leave the day to day care of the baby with the mothers but is this really practical when both parents work? Although the mother is closest to the baby for 9 months. When the baby is born, I believe that both mother and father should feel a strong connection towards it.I am sometimes at a loss for a reason why the father feels they do not have any responsibilities. So many times the father up and leaves, do they simply not care? If we are going to look at it in terms of primitive stereotypes, the father should be the protector of the family therefore he should have a strong urge to look after the baby.

This makes me wonder if the father's lack of concern has been naturalised so much in society we accept it as normal? I know for sure that when it comes to me the father better be helping take care of our baby otherwise there'll be problems ;).

I know that this does not apply to all fathers as I am sure there are many doting ones out there. But this needs to be the majority rather than the minority. Hey what a perfect topic to talk about when its coming up to fathers day.Hmmm its good to be back ;).
Check The Dream's interview at

source:parlour magazine

Monday 5 April 2010

Stop the pity party

Yes life is hard, yes you have been through a lot but there is no reason for you to act like a victim. You are not a victim of life, you are a survivor. The fact that you are living and breathing right now proves this. Instead of dwelling on what life has done to you, focus on what you can do to make it better because it can be done. Pull yourself together. As it is Easter we should try and remember what Jesus went through, having to be publicly humiliated and hung on a cross, if Jesus was able to endure this and still not act like a victim then you have no excuse.

People have had to overcome difficulties greater than what you have right in front of you. Focus on the bigger picture. Believe you will come out of the situation and it will happen, the key is to keep on and on for as long as it takes and I mean as long as it takes.

We are born fighters our biological makeup proves this, when we have an infection,our body immediately tries to fight and heal this. You should do the same mentally.Believe in yourself!

Dermal Implants!!!

A new craze which can be done in many piercing shops, in which body jewlery is placed underneath the skin, the skin then heals over it creating a design. Why???


So just when we had all gotten used to the I-phone Apple has launched the Apple I-pad in the US, a cross between an I-phone and Macbook. It has been speculated that the price in the UK is to cost £389.

Heres a video on the I-Pad.

Cassie new face of walmart

Cassie teams up with Walmart ( the American version of Asda) and models for OP. Celebrities that have also modelled for this brand include Solange Knowles and Christina Millian.

What I want to know is what happened to Cassies shaved head?


Mens clothing brand . Worn by celebrities like Nas. Up-coming hip-hop artists Fashawn and Yelawolf are the fresh faces of ORISUE’s spring/summer 2010 campaign.

Model Focus: Hair raising statements

Nandy Silvestre

Bettine Mccabe:

Diesel campaign

Vouge Italia
Crash Editorial Commuun, Winter 2008

I just thought that I will shine the light on Bettine Mccabe and Nandy, both two models who make serious statements with their hair.

British born Bettine Mccabe is signed with Next model management, Select, Muse and Flair. And has also appeared in Disel and Tommy hilfiger campaigns as well as Vogue Italia.
Bettine is studying fashion promotion at 'Central Saint Martins' college in London.
Nandy Silvestre is signed with Fashion model management S.P.A

Sunday 4 April 2010

Misguided clothing

Ladies, good place to get the hottest clothes without burning a hole in your pocket.

T-pain's christian album

Who would have thought that T-pain would be coming out with a Gospel album? He stated
" I am a deeply spiritual person. Dude, I go to church just as much as I go to the strip club. That's saying something."

I wonder if T-pain will have the power to take us back to church?

Can I get a window seat? Don't want nobody next to me

Wow Erykah has really caused a stir, with her new video window seat. Recently being fined $500 for inappropriate exposure in her video.

One question that keeps on coming up is, what is the meaning behind the song and Erykah Badu's video? Her song and video reveal two different concepts. Erykah's song lyrics talk about wanting to be alone because her lover has gone.On the other hand in the video she strips off, taking off her clothes to remove everything that is repressing her and defining her in the world. Eventually she is left to her true naked self but is shot because people do not understand it (and evidently judging by her fine the state doesn't either.)

People have been bringing up the fact that many artists have exposed their naked bodies in videos. Examples are Alanis Morissett- Thank u, Britney spears- Womanizer and Rihanna - Umbrella. Despite this I think the issue at hand was the fact that nobody knew about her stripping and there were no licences etc.

One point I found interesting that someone made, was that this video caused a lot of controversy because Erykah Badu was a black women stripping in a non-sexual nature. Black women have been naked in many hiphop artist video's such as 50 cent.This however has not caused much controversy as it is accepted by society that black women can only be naked in a sexual manner. Or is this all women in general?

Maybe in the words of Erykah Badu we should open our eyes, renew our mind....
Heres a video of her peforming the song.

Saturday 3 April 2010

White Elephant

It has been two weeks now and I have been meaning to blog about this .What is that? I hear you all ask? Well my White Elephant experience of course!!

If you are wondering what I am talking about.White elephant is an independent music and arts group. They recently visited my university with their show' never accept something average' - which should be everyones philosophy in life.

Being someone who is a huge fan of music and poetry sitting through the show was definitely a good experience . These guys can really saaang, rap, play instruments do it all!

White elephant renewed my faith in RnB keeping it true to it's soulful roots as well as adding a hip hop flavour and to top it all off they are from the UK! If you are a fan of hiphop, Rnb and live music I know you will love them. To find out more about the artists visit

You can also watch some performances on youtube and visit them on myspace.

Here's one that I managed to get, only a snippet of what they have to offer

Here are some pictures that I frantically tried to get whilst watching the show. They aren't the best but lord knows I tried:P.

Music performances


Saturday 27 March 2010

Whatever happened to Diana Vickers and Miss Frank from X factor?

They are coming out with their new singles !!!

Check out Diana Vickers new video 'Once' and Miss Frank's new single 'Caught up' (Which I personally don't like but it may grow on me). Enjoy :)

Diana Vickers - Once on MUZU

Friday 26 March 2010

Whatever happened to Shani????

Ashanti in studio with dr dre and the game, wow she's keeping it gangsta!!

Picture of Ashanti on her latest project- Extreme makeover home edition courtesy of
Source:Tweet photo

Wow what am I doing staying up till nearly 4 when I know too well that I have to be doing work tomorrow? -sigh- Anyway Ashanti has finally come onto U-stream . Ashanti was one of my idols growing up if not for her singing then her goofy, wacky personality that's my girl for real!!!

Ashanti is currently working on a new album and by the sounds of it, it is going to be dope. In her U-stream video she speaks about working with some people from London, hmm sounds interesting. And also promotes an episode of extreme makeover she shot recently. She is also rocking a new hairstyle. Peep the video below at 15.00 she sings a snippet of one of her songs paradise.

I have just got to say that watching Ashanti really cheers me up. I love how she is not just a cardboard copy artist with no personality. She has been through so much and is still smiling:). Growing up I have always tried to hide my wacky/goofy nature but watching her always helped me to see the beauty of showing your personality.

Watch my girl shani struggle with using U-stream, and talk about her current projects.