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Wednesday 7 July 2010

Diary of a female hustler

Wow sorry that my posts have been very few and far between. I'm sure evereyone's been enjoying the summer rather than missing my posts :P. What has been up with me ? Your girl has been on her hustle!! I'm now doing an internship for colour telly so I've been working on my own project. Plus the normal 9-5 work in a shoe shop, I have been sooo tired.

I just want to reflect and say that I am so happy I've got this opportunity to do something that I want to do, that will help me in my future career and hopefully in time I should excel.

Summer, apart from the humid days and blazing sunshine that we've been having is also a cross roads and point of reflection for many people. Stress still is in full sight even though we are supposed to be having time to relax. Always remember that we are not built to perfection, being unsure about a decision or choosing a wrong one is normal. If we slip up remember there is always an opportunity to redeem yourself. It's not even a slip up, just a lesson!!

This week I came across the wise words that in everything we should give thanks to God. This struck a chord with me as I realised that everyday should be a celebration of God's work and more importantly we should always trust and have faith in him. But even those who are not religious out there be thankful for life, enjoy the sun, go on holiday, just have fun! We only live once so why not try and be happy.Anyway It looks like I'm creeping slowly towards my dream and I hope many of you out there are too. Remember in the words of Will smith 'summer summer summer time, time to sit back and unwind :)' Rice peas and love xxxxxx

'It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.'

- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Sunday 4 July 2010

quote of the day

'Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well'. Josh Billings

Basically you need to work with what you got :)

rice, peas and love