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Saturday, 13 March 2010

The Government are not accepting that 'age aint nothing but a number'

The Government are not planning to move the age range for criminal liability up to 12 years old any time soon, at least that is one thing the labour government can gain points for in their looming election.

Despite the England children's commissioner, Maggie Atkinson stating that children under the age of 12 did not know what they were doing which I strongly beg to differ. She further noted that it was wrong for Jon Venables when he was 10 to be tried in an adult court instead of a youth court. Although I do believe that a 10 year old being tried in the same court as a 20 year old has its problems, namely the obvious fact that a 10 year old and 20 year olds' mentality are worlds apart.

However from personal experience I do feel that a 10 year old knows exactly what they are doing, dare I say even younger. Obviously children do know the difference between right and wrong otherwise we would have many kids running around as axe murderers.Maybe if the issue is on a 10 year old stealing sweets I can sympathise with Dr Atkinson's point but murder is a different story all together. We were all kids before remember? Never underestimate a child's mentality. I just feel sorry for European countries that have their age range for criminal liability between 14-16.

source: BBC News,Google images

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